Spike Island Dance Like a Manc’

Working with the British Film Institue, Moonshine designed and developed a standout iPhone activation as part of the marketing roll out of the UK feature release of ‘Spike Island’.


Project Info

Having been successful in a nationwide digital innovation contest hosted by IC Tomorrow, in conjunction with Abertay University, along with the Technology Strategy Board and the British Film Institute, Moonshine was charged with the design and development of an iPhone application to perform as a promotional tool for the film release of ‘Spike Island’. The British feature is a story of a rising indie band who travel to Spike Island, Cheshire, in May of 1990 to see The Stone Roses. The concept centred around the style of dancing associated with the 90‘s Madchester scene - users of the application would be invited to film themselves ‘Dancing Like A Manc’ through the camera on iPhone devices, and be able to select from three different filter styles which would pertain to a trio of select moments within the film. Having filmed themselves with their choice of filter, the user would then save the film to an in app library as well as their iOS camera roll - and be pushed to share the video via designated a YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.
