Maudsley Charity

Moonshine updated the design, development and operation of the Maudsley Charity main website


Project Info

Moonshine was commissioned by the Maudsley Charity to redesign and redevelop their primary website. The charity is a global leader in research, education and investment in mental health and well being, and wanted their new online base to represent this fact. The site required a complete overhaul, not only in terms of its new design aesthetic, but also in it's build and operation.

Due to the increased importance now placed upon being able to view a site on a variety of devices, Moomnshine chose a responsive design direction. Wordpress was selected as the development environment for the project, allowing for superb control and agility to not only the front end of the site, but also in the back end via the extensive content management system we implemented. The design of the new site is aimed to be simple, elegant and not overly complicated. The UI is clean and clear, with a retractable primary navigation collating sub-sections navigated by animated tabs. We made use of a great collection of photography to add an extra feeling of polish and finish to the content, not only as a full screen background, but within image carousels and project thumbnails.

The site operates with a rejuvenated purpose in comparison to its predecessor, and is a great representation for the charity's brand and assists in promoting positive change in the field of treatment and care for mental health.


Site Visuals

small slider

Mobile visuals

Micro Gallery